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Business Seminars course collection
If you are a busy professional who wants to expand your current knowledge, increase your competitive edge, and stay up-to-date on emerging trends, then...
Business Analysis Certificate
Change has always been a constant—but never as fast as now. Technologies grow old at light speed, the advance of globalization erases traditional borders...
Business Strategy Series
Success doesn’t happen by accident. It doesn’t happen without a well-planned strategy, and it doesn’t happen unless that strategy is communicated and executed effectively...
Digital Marketing for Business Microcredential
This microcredential is focused on the knowledge and skills needed to leverage and best use digital marketing from a business perspective. Learn the fundamentals...
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Development Microcredential
Do you have a business idea that gets you excited about and keeps coming back to you? When you envision your future self, do...
Technology in Logistics and Distribution Management Microcredential
Developed in consultation with Supply Chain Canada (SCC) the Technology in Logistics and Distribution Management Microcredential supports professionals transitioning to or working in logistics...
Change Management Series
Knowing how to initiate, lead, and manage successful change initiatives is vital to organizations and key to being a successful manager. You must act...


on-demand courses

Your professional development journey just got a lot easier with our most flexible learning format yet.

Advanced Leadership Certificate
Businesses and organizations rely on strong leaders to move them forward—outstanding individuals who excel at leading change, making difficult decisions, and inspiring teams.
Management Development Certificate
Management at all levels has a dramatic impact on the performance of an organization, influencing areas from productivity and growth to profitability and employee...
ESG and Supply Chain Strategies: Profits with a Purpose Microcredential
Social Procurement and ESG are gaining interest across Canada as corporations adopt more sustainable practices. As municipalities and organizations across Canada adopt these practices...
Global Leadership Certificate
Every day the world becomes more connected through technology, trade, humanitarian work, and shared environmental resources. Strong leadership is an increasingly needed asset, the...
Professional Education for Executives collection
Tailor-made for business owners, leaders, and executives
Supply Management Training Diploma
With all areas of the supply chain increasingly impacting an organization’s competitiveness, today’s market demands skilled practitioners to support the management of complex supply...
Certified in Management Designation
This designation is awarded by Canada’s senior management association, the Canadian Institute of Management (CIM), an organization that for 75 years has been advancing...
Certified Administrative Professional Designation
Keeping skills up to date with current trends is vital to any role. More and more often, administrative assistants are being recognized as key...
Human Resources Management Certificate
In the era of knowledge-based economies, human capital has become a critical factor for organizational success. Talented intellectual capital is a coveted asset, one...
Construction Management & Administration Certificate
The construction industry is one of the largest economic driving forces in Alberta and Canada. The University of Alberta’s Construction Management & Administration Certificate...
Construction Estimating & Planning Microcredential
The Construction Estimating and Planning Microcredential is a suite of three connected courses designed to offer a pathway into the field of construction management...
Project Management Series
Project management has become a critical skill in every workplace. Managers need the tools, techniques, and knowledge to handle projects and deliver successful outcomes...
Management Development for APEGA Certificate
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Forthcoming Program Closure. Please be aware of the forthcoming closure of the Management Development for Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Certificate. The last...
Data Privacy and Security Microcredential
Learn about core issues related to data collection, data protection, and security. Be equipped with knowledge of privacy and data collection, understand various definitions...
Technology & Innovation course collection
Our Technology and Innovation programming area offers software training on a broad range of applications, from Excel and MS Project to InDesign and SketchUp...
Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certificate
This award-win­ning, online pro­gram focus­es on the the­o­ries, con­cepts, prin­ci­ples, issues, and best prac­tices involved in the appro­pri­ate admin­is­tra­tion of access and pri­va­cy leg­is­la­tion...
Communication Skills for the Workplace Certificate

Language skills and soft skills for ESL individuals who are either currently working in the public or private sector, or looking to increase their employability.