Continuing & Professional Education

Technology & Innovation

Gain an edge in your pro­fes­sion, explore cut­ting-edge indus­tries, pre­pare for a new role, or learn to use tech­nol­o­gy to increase your effi­cien­cy and reduce time spent on man­u­al tasks.

Our Tech­nol­o­gy and Inno­va­tion pro­gram­ming area offers soft­ware train­ing on a broad range of appli­ca­tions, from Excel and MS Project to InDe­sign and SketchUp. We also teach lan­guages like R and Python, as well as skill-based cours­es focused on big data, ana­lyt­ics, man­ag­ing IT projects, data sci­ence, and more.


Learn a new computer skill from scratch, or brush up on previous knowledge

Keep current with evolving tech trends, softwares, and best practices

Take individual courses without enroling in a full program

Courses are often open to everyone, regardless of skill level

Choose a schedule that works for you with daytime, evening, and weekend options

Get the guidance you need from industry experts


Visualizing space in three dimensions (3D) is critical to the success of an interior decorator/designer. In this course, you will learn SketchUp, a prominent 3D design software, that quickly generates everything from rough concepts to evaluate scale, proportion, colour and texture, to working drawings and construction documents for production, all using a familiar pencil and paper paradigm. Most successful architectural firms with Interior Design or Decoration departments employ SketchUp software.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Cad II is an extension of the lessons learned in CAD I. This project based credit course will focus on developing more advanced skills in generating two-dimensional drawings and three dimensional models, still primarily based in Google SketchUp. Students will develop a greater awareness of presentation skills using the software's built in animation features and creating working/presentation drawings with Google LayOut. Prerequisite: EXRI 3510
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.


This is a must-have course for professionals who are seeking foundational, conceptual, and technical knowledge in machine learning. Learn how to analyze the credibility of artificial intelligence/machine learning and its applications in business. Gain an understanding of unsupervised, supervised, and reinforcement learning, the three widely accepted categorizations of machine learning.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Big Data

Explore the use of analytical methods in management problem-solving, highlighting organizational and contextual issues. Construct an analytical model of a problem that can be manipulated or solved to identify a decision that yields the best outcome, according to one or more carefully defined criteria. The challenges of communicating and implementing results in an organizational context may also be explored through mini-cases and illustrations.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Knowing how to extract real business value from the data generated by your organization is a valuable tool for all managers. Topics may include: foundational information on what is meant by analytics; the various types of analytics - descriptive, predictive and prescriptive; moving from business intelligence to business analytics; theories and trends in data analytics; and the latest best practices and tools available in business analytics, including their advantages and disadvantages.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Gain an overview of big data, the state of the practice in analytics and the analytics lifecycle as an end-to-end process. Focus on the key roles of a successful analytic project. Topics may include: the main phases of the lifecycle; and developing core deliverables to stakeholders.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Social Media

Explore key concepts used by professionals to help grow your business or personal brand through online marketing and social media. Increase your knowledge of social media tools, website development and maintenance, web analytics, search engine utilization, basic content creation, and copyright. These transferable skills and strategies offer you the foundation needed to start engaging audiences across popular social media platforms.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Build an effective online presence through a strong marketing strategy that reflects your organizational culture. Learn about best practices for social media and marketing across various platforms, building and strengthening organizational reputation and brand online, strategic planning and development, how to build a social media following, and steps for executing an integrated strategic social media marketing plan.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Learn the language of analytics and its many acronyms as a means to measure where your web traffic is coming from, how much web traffic you are receiving, which messages are most effective and how to report on these measures. Identify useful metrics and describe how they can be analyzed to support business objectives, developing a reporting framework for effective communication. Create a website of your own and apply various approaches to analytics, including Google Analytics and ROI analysis in real-time.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Explore the etiquette, ethics, and various legal and policy issues that affect how we use social media. Discuss topics like copyright, privacy, intellectual property, fair dealing, creative commons, and the public domain. Learn how these issues play out differently nationally and internationally, as well as the implications of those differences for social media use.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Learn how to set up a fully functioning eCommerce store from start to finish. This course will walk you through the most up-to-date methods for creating an online store that is optimized for conversion and built to sell. In addition to setting up your homepage, collection pages, product pages, and sub-pages, we will also cover product photography/video, offer strategy, and copywriting.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Learn how to identify, prepare for, and manage the risks inherent to a professional presence on social media, as well as to recognize the impacts of emerging problems elsewhere online. Explore best practices for policy, procedures, and guidelines for social media within an organization. Draw on learnings from traditional media and public relations concepts to prepare for and respond to emerging issues.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Bursaries and funding opportunities
Funding source
Apply by
Canada-Alberta Job Grant 

Available for businesses in all sectors across Alberta

Two-thirds of the training costs (up to 100% if hiring an unemployed Albertan)
any time
Canada Training Benefit 

Residents of Canada, 25-65 years old, who have $10,000-150,000 in earnings for work.

income tax return
Skilled Immigrant Micro-Loan 

Whether you intend to work in the same field you trained in outside of Canada, or you wish to apply your transferable skills to a new career, this low-interest loan helps you cover the cost of education and related living expenses.

Up to $15,000 loan

Employed by the University of Alberta as Non-Academic Staff (NASA)

$750 annually
Dec / Mar / Jun / Sep

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