Continuing & Professional Education

Business Seminars

Short in length and packed with con­tent, a sem­i­nar will usu­al­ly last one or two days and will focus on a sin­gle skill or topic.

If you are a busy pro­fes­sion­al who wants to expand your cur­rent knowl­edge, increase your com­pet­i­tive edge, and stay up-to-date on emerg­ing trends, then the Busi­ness Sem­i­nars at Online and Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion are for you.

Designed to keep up with the rapid changes in the busi­ness world, our suite of sem­i­nars is reg­u­lar­ly eval­u­at­ed and updat­ed. Numer­ous sem­i­nars are offered through­out the year. Some focus on soft skills such as com­mu­ni­ca­tion, time man­age­ment, and net­work­ing; oth­ers deal with spe­cif­ic areas like bud­get­ing, sus­tain­abil­i­ty, or project management.

Sem­i­nars are taught by indus­try experts and pro­vide a bal­anced mix of the­o­ry and prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence, ensur­ing that learn­ing is imme­di­ate­ly applic­a­ble for participants.


No application or prerequisites required – just register in a course.

Stay current and evolve along with the changes in the business environment.

Learn new skills and train for new challenges.

Become more productive and bring innovative ideas to your workplace.

Move ahead toward your career goals and aspirations.

No prerequisites or entrance requirements.

Daytime, evening, and weekend courses held at Enterprise Square, downtown Edmonton, Alberta.

Acquire the skills, knowledge, and direction to start your chosen venture and increase the probability of its success. Learn to develop and fine-tune your business model by linking marketing, operations, people and finance; identifying your value proposition and determine why prospective customers should choose you; and understanding what it means to operate under the entrepreneur's mindset.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Expand your knowledge of running a business, including learning the difference between a sole proprietorship and a corporation. Prepare a feasibility study under varied scenarios, and build an in-depth marketing plan that links promotional initiatives, including social media, with product/service and price points. Case studies will focus on past successful entrepreneurial ventures.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Increase your knowledge of business funding development, including understanding the advantages and disadvantages of debt, equity and alternative financing. Improve your promotional skills to present your ideas to potential funding sources and increase prospective customer awareness and motivation, and learn about the advantages and disadvantages of partnerships. Guest speakers from the banking industry will share their insights on funding entrepreneurs.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
There are many ways--some evolutionary, others revolutionary--the transportation and logistics sector could develop to meet the challenges posed by new market entrants, technology, and business models. The networkbased nature of the logistics industry provides a framework for implementing and scaling artificial intelligence (AI), amplifying the human components of highly organized global supply chains. In this course, you will build a fundamental understanding of AI, machine, earning, digital twins, data analytics, augmented reality, robotics, and blockchains in the field of logistics.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Global logistics connects critical components of the supply chain from a product¿s point of origin to its point of consumption. Physical distribution is inextricably tied with international trade, multinational manufacturing, and sourcing of raw materials, components, and supplies. Topics in this course will help participants understand the channels of global logistics, challenges in managing physical distribution, INCOTERMS, free trade zones, tariffs, security, hedging, sourcing strategies, risk, and resilience in international trade.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Understand how to decrease environmental impact in the areas of logistics, distribution, and warehousing operations. Learn about technologies that can affect efficiencies and connectivity, including QR codes, VMI solutions, RFID applications, autonomous vehicles, and replenishment options. Explore ways of reducing emissions in fleet operations and find out about packaging material alternatives and GHG footprint estimates. Discuss issues such as outsourcing, scheduling options through 3PLs, and supply chain strategies for resiliency to mitigate risks.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Participants will understand the principles and purpose of ESG and Social Procurement in business, focusing on sourcing strategies. As well they will attain working knowledge of how to contribute to social capital and economic development; draft policies which reflect social values; understand the role of technology in affecting sustainability; develop relevant KPIs, strategies and tactics; understand trade agreement obligations at national and international levels; build awareness of circular economy impacts; identify opportunities and challenges, and hear directly from Canadian ESG leaders.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Explore the use of analytical methods in management problem-solving, highlighting organizational and contextual issues. Construct an analytical model of a problem that can be manipulated or solved to identify a decision that yields the best outcome, according to one or more carefully defined criteria. The challenges of communicating and implementing results in an organizational context may also be explored through mini-cases and illustrations.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Knowing how to initiate, lead, and manage successful change initiatives is valuable for leaders at all levels. Topics may include: change theories and models; change management strategies; initiating and implementing change; and organizational and individual learning associated with change experiences.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Leading an organization towards a goal or an intended outcome requires a plan - and a plan to implement that plan. Topics may include: direction setting, goal setting; decision-making; problem-solving; moving from strategy to action; and project planning and delivery.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Project management has become a critical skill in every work place. Managers need to know the tools, techniques and have the knowledge to handle projects and deliver successful outcomes. Learn the basics to help you plan, execute, and control project management activities. This is an introductory project management course. We will explore successful projects and why projects that seemingly follow all the necessary rigor and methodology fail. In the end, students will leave with an enhanced ability to plan, execute and control their project management activities.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

A well-managed change helps move an organization into the "new way" quickly, with wide-acceptance by people and minimal disruption. Examine the change process and tools and techniques to manage organizational change. Through reflection on past experience, you will examine key concepts of change and how to utilize a structured method to approach, plan and sustain a change program.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Real Change depends on people being willing to embrace the shift to a "new way." the path may not be easy. Through examination of the elements, active leaders can determine productive ways to support their teams to achieve the necessary transition to the future state.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Risk management and resource planning are key elements in the successful completion of a project. The processes and activities necessary to manage risk, a detailed understanding of the increased importance of project procurement, and the core concepts, as well as tools and practices, to be employed for effective project human resource management will be studied in this two-day seminar. Using an applicable case study, the concepts learned in the classroom can be immediately applied to your real-life project.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

This seminar has been designed to give new and experienced project managers and project team members the essential tools they need to deliver successful projects. You will acquire the skills, tools and practices necessary, through the use of a real-life case study, for successful project communication, measuring project progress, project close out and transition to operations.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Knowing how to extract real business value from the data generated by your organization is a valuable tool for all managers. Topics may include: foundational information on what is meant by analytics; the various types of analytics - descriptive, predictive and prescriptive; moving from business intelligence to business analytics; theories and trends in data analytics; and the latest best practices and tools available in business analytics, including their advantages and disadvantages.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
  • Tuition is paid on a course-by-course basis as you reg­is­ter for your classes.
  • Some cours­es require a text­book at an addi­tion­al cost.
  • Eli­gi­ble for the Cana­da-Alber­ta Job Grant.
Bursaries and funding opportunities
Funding source
Apply by
Canada-Alberta Job Grant 

Available for businesses in all sectors across Alberta

Two-thirds of the training costs (up to 100% if hiring an unemployed Albertan)
any time
Canada Training Benefit 

Residents of Canada, 25-65 years old, who have $10,000-150,000 in earnings for work.

income tax return
Skilled Immigrant Micro-Loan 

Whether you intend to work in the same field you trained in outside of Canada, or you wish to apply your transferable skills to a new career, this low-interest loan helps you cover the cost of education and related living expenses.

Up to $15,000 loan

Employed by the University of Alberta as Non-Academic Staff (NASA)

$750 annually
Dec / Mar / Jun / Sep