Continuing & Professional Education

Occupational Health & Safety

Earn a Certificate

Courses for everyone 15

Being a stu­dent in the OH&S pro­gram was a very pos­i­tive and reward­ing expe­ri­ence that helped me with my career.”

Expo­sure to dif­fer­ent areas in the OH&S field helped Ian in his role as Health and Safe­ty strategist

The Occu­pa­tion­al Health and Safe­ty Cer­tifi­cate, one of the most advanced in Cana­da, is a cor­ner­stone for safe­ty in the province. Whether you are cur­rent­ly a prac­tic­ing occu­pa­tion­al health and safe­ty pro­fes­sion­al or some­one who aspires for a career in health and safe­ty, this pro­gram pre­pares prac­ti­tion­ers with skills and knowl­edge to cre­ate, imple­ment, and eval­u­ate health and safe­ty pro­grams in a wide vari­ety of occu­pa­tion­al settings.

Indus­try and pro­fes­sion­al asso­ci­a­tion recognition

The cours­es in our cer­tifi­cate pro­gram are close­ly aligned with the Board of Cana­di­an Reg­is­tered Safe­ty Pro­fes­sion­als’ Cana­di­an Reg­is­tered Safe­ty Tech­ni­cian (CRST) accred­i­ta­tion require­ments (see: OHS — BCR­SP CEU equiv­a­len­cy). This align­ment serves two pur­pos­es: it allows us to meet indus­try needs and, at the same time, gives our grad­u­ates a more straight­for­ward path to build their health and safe­ty careers.

Career oppor­tu­ni­ties

Alum­ni from the pro­gram include envi­ron­men­tal health offi­cers, pub­lic health inspec­tors, con­struc­tion and pro­duc­tion fore­men and super­vi­sors, main­te­nance super­in­ten­dents, indus­tri­al hygien­ists, occu­pa­tion­al health nurs­es, engi­neer­ing and instru­ment tech­ni­cians, and chem­i­cal technologists.

Our grad­u­ates are employed across a wide range of indus­try sec­tors, includ­ing oil and gas, avi­a­tion, con­struc­tion, edu­ca­tion, health care, man­u­fac­tur­ing, munic­i­pal­i­ties, min­ing, forestry, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, and pri­vate businesses.

Class loca­tions

This part-time pro­gram is offered in flex­i­ble and acces­si­ble for­mats and taught by indus­try experts.

NEW: Impor­tant Updates to the Program

Effec­tive July 1, 2020, updates are being made to our OHS cer­tifi­cate pro­gram require­ments. These updates include increas­ing core course require­ments while reduc­ing required elec­tive and enrich­ment sem­i­nar hours, which in turn may reduce the over­all com­ple­tion time for the program.

These changes con­tin­ue to sup­port and align seam­less­ly with the Board of Cana­di­an Reg­is­tered Safe­ty Pro­fes­sion­als’ CRSP accred­i­ta­tion require­ments, meet­ing employ­er needs and help­ing our grad­u­ates build their health and safe­ty careers.


The instruc­tors and the class mate­ri­als were great. I par­tic­u­lar­ly enjoyed inter­act­ing with a diverse group of indi­vid­u­als from so many work industries.

Occu­pa­tion­al Health & Safe­ty Certificate student

Great instruc­tors, good pro­gram lay­out, and flex­i­ble learn­ing options.

Occupational Health & Safety Certificate student

I’ve learned so much! I appre­ci­ate how sup­port­ive the staff and pro­fes­sors were.

Occu­pa­tion­al Health & Safe­ty Certificate student

The UAlberta advantage: earn a credential from a Top 5 Canadian university that is recognized as a world leader in higher education.

Completion meets education requirement for CRST certification (BCRSP). (course credits)

Courses qualify for the continuous professional development requirements of AMHSA, APEGA, BCRSP, CPHR, CRBOH, MHSA, and CSSE.

Part-time studies designed to meet the needs of working professionals with courses offered online; daytime and weekend formats.

Gain valuable networking opportunities and widen your circle of professional connections.

Classroom knowledge that is immediately applicable to everyday work places.

Earn a Certificate
in Occupational Health & Safety
Apply Now
  • University of Alberta parchment in as little as 1-2 years
  • Pay as you go
  • Currently open for enrolment

Only interested in taking a course? You can register for a course without applying and enrolling in the program – browse our Occupational Health & Safety courses. If later you decide to apply for the full program, the course you’ve taken will be applied toward your Certificate as long as it is still part of the program plan at the time of your application. Please note, program requirements are subject to change over time.

Enrolling in the pro­gram is a require­ment to earn the cer­tifi­cate. You may apply for admis­sion as you start your stud­ies or, if you pre­fer, after you have tak­en one or more courses.

We are open to stu­dents with a vari­ety of edu­ca­tion­al and pro­fes­sion­al back­grounds. Our expec­ta­tion is that you have a com­mit­ment to learn and achieve your con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion goals.

Indi­vid­ual cours­es are open for gen­er­al stud­ies, and may be com­plet­ed with­out being admit­ted into the OHS cer­tifi­cate program.

The requirements below apply to students enrolled on and after July 1, 2020. If you entered the OHS Certificate program prior to July 1, 2020, please refer to the requirements that apply to your credential.

The Occupational Health and Safety Certificate program is comprised of eight core courses, one elective, and 42 hours of enrichment seminars. Designed for part-time study, it can generally be completed within one to two years, but students have up to six years to fulfill their program requirements.

Formats and schedules are flexible and designed to accommodate the diverse needs of our students.

A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 is required to obtain the certificate.

While it is recommended that students begin their program with EXOS 4620 - Introduction to Health & Safety (foundation course), they can complete the courses in any order provided the noted prerequisite(s) have been met.

Your program requirements

Once you are admitted, you can verify your program requirements by logging into the University of Alberta’s student portal, Bear Tracks, to view your Academic Advisement.

Apply for Your Credential

To qualify for program completion you are required to submit a request to obtain your credential. For a breakdown of details and how to qualify, visit the program completion page.

If you have com­plet­ed a course from a rec­og­nized post-sec­ondary insti­tu­tion with­in the last five years that is applic­a­ble to the OHS pro­gram (view our list of trans­fer­able cours­es), you may request an exemp­tion by com­plet­ing the Trans­fer Cred­it Request form. 

Exemp­tions are lim­it­ed to a max­i­mum of three cours­es or, in the case of stu­dents receiv­ing 21 hours toward the Enrich­ment Sem­i­nar” require­ment, to a max­i­mum of two cours­es plus the indus­try train­ing credit.

Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the OHS Cer­tifi­cate pro­gram meets the OHS cer­tifi­cate require­ment for stu­dents con­tin­u­ing on to take OHS Pro­fes­sion­al Diplo­ma program.

The OHS Cer­tifi­cate pro­gram also meets the edu­ca­tion­al require­ments for the CRST cer­ti­fi­ca­tion from the Board of Cana­di­an Reg­is­tered Safe­ty Pro­fes­sion­als – view our equiv­a­len­cies chart.

Indus­try Train­ing Recognition

The OHS Cer­tifi­cate pro­gram is pleased to hon­our your pri­or indus­try train­ing (for­mal des­ig­na­tions) through a trans­fer cred­it agreement. 

Stu­dents who have obtained any one of the des­ig­na­tions on this page with­in the past five years are encour­aged to apply for trans­fer cred­it and receive 21 hours toward the 42 hours of the Enrich­ment Sem­i­nar” require­ment of the Occu­pa­tion­al Health and Safe­ty (OHS) Cer­tifi­cate program. 

Please note that this cred­it can only be obtained once. In oth­er words, even if you hold mul­ti­ple des­ig­na­tions, 21 hours is the max­i­mum num­ber of hours allowed for indus­try train­ing recognition.

To apply for trans­fer cred­it, com­plete the Trans­fer Cred­it Request form.

  • An appli­ca­tion fee of $100 is required for admis­sion into the program.
  • Tuition is paid on a course-by-course basis as you reg­is­ter for your classes.
  • Cours­es are GST-exempt.
  • Some cours­es require a text­book at an addi­tion­al cost.
  • Eli­gi­ble for the Cana­da-Alber­ta Job Grant.
  • Additional course materials for online, blended, and web-enhanced courses will be available in eClass, the University of Alberta’s eLearning management tool, at no extra charge.

Bursaries and funding opportunities
Funding source
Apply by
Canada-Alberta Job Grant 

Available for businesses in all sectors across Alberta

Two-thirds of the training costs (up to 100% if hiring an unemployed Albertan)
any time
Canada Training Benefit 

Residents of Canada, 25-65 years old, who have $10,000-150,000 in earnings for work.

income tax return
Skilled Immigrant Micro-Loan 

Whether you intend to work in the same field you trained in outside of Canada, or you wish to apply your transferable skills to a new career, this low-interest loan helps you cover the cost of education and related living expenses.

Up to $15,000 loan

Employed by the University of Alberta as Non-Academic Staff (NASA)

$750 annually
Dec / Mar / Jun / Sep
CCOHS Dick Martin Scholarship Award 

Students enrolled either full time or part time in an Occupational Health and Safety-­related course or program

$3,000 annually
OHS Healthy Workplaces Award 

Current students and graduates of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and/or Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

$1,000 annually
Carol Ross Scholarship 

Current students of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and/or Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

$3,000 annually
Health And Safety Conference Society Of Alberta (HSCSA) 

Graduates of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate program

Up to $500 annually
Gary Wagar Scholarship 

Students who have completed the NCSO designation to use toward their Occupational Health and Safety Certificate program

$500 annually
CSSE OHSE Student Writing Awards Program 

Current students and graduates of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and/or Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

$200-500 annually
CSSE OHSE Bursary Program 

Students enrolled either full time or part time in an Occupational Health and Safety-related course or program

Chad Bradley Scholarship for Women in OHS 

Current students (women) of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and/or Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety


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