Continuing & Professional Education

Occupational Health & Safety

Earn a Diploma

Courses for everyone 21

  • health and safety professionals
  • health inspectors
  • safety inspectors

These part-time study courses are designed to enhance current practitioners’ skillsets
Program enrolment is optional – register in a course without applying for admission

Knowing how to initiate, lead, and manage successful change initiatives is valuable for leaders at all levels. Topics may include: change theories and models; change management strategies; initiating and implementing change; and organizational and individual learning associated with change experiences.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Ethics and professional practice covers management ethical issues within the legal, regulatory, and social context, ethical issues of communication and consultation facing OHS Professionals, and ethical decision-making in the context of corporate and personal responsibilities. The course provides students with theoretical background (models and frameworks), practical skills (assessment, deliberation and communication), and professional tools (codes of conduct and legal frameworks). Theses outcomes enable the OHS Professional to understand analyze, negotiate, and act in accordance with international, national, corporate, and personal standards.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Understand how a worker's performance is a product of their interactions with the work environment, the equipment, and the management systems within their organization. Learn about the eight elements of the human factors spectrum and how these elements can be applied in the workplace to prevent incidents and injuries. Gain an understanding of how errors and at-risk performance can be a result of external factors such as equipment and workplace design, information transfer, and work environment, as well as physiological, psychological, and risk tolerance factors.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Leadership at all levels depends upon communication. Topics may include: persuasive communication; generating buy-in; internal and external communications strategies; influence and influencing others; and communicating through conflict.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Leadership is all about building relationships and connecting with people. Reflect on current leadership practices and explore fundamental leadership theories as you discuss different leadership styles and strengths. Identify key planning strategies to lead others toward a shared vision. Identify strategies on how to develop a cohesive, efficient, and effective team. Understand the beliefs and barriers that may hinder the efforts of emerging leaders.
July 9
already started
Online learning, asynchronous. With Nolan Crouse
Understand the essentials of business theory and practices as you explore concepts and tools useful in various organizational settings. Gain an appreciation for decision-making complexity within organizations and organizational networks and apply these skills in business case development. Build critical thinking skills in financial literacy, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and cost-benefit analyses of health and safety initiatives.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Psychological health and safety (PH&S) is becoming an integral part of Canadian workplaces as employers begin to recognize its financial, legal, and social benefits. This seminar will provide an understanding of the conceptual framework, the business case, resources, strategic approaches and practical tools available. Managers, HR, and OHS professionals will learn to assess, design and implement effective PH&S strategies. Topics may include psychosocial factors, stress, mental illness, harassment, and bullying in the workplace.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Effective Risk Management, including the ability to communicate risk with the community, is necessary for success in today's business world. Today risk management and communication are often a regulated activity. Learn what is required to implement an effective risk management system; including the tools, people and systems for identification of hazards, evaluating the associated risks, and if acceptable what needs to be done to manage those risks effectively. Human factor issues have been at the root of ~80% of incidents, therefore the course will also focus on these "human factor" issues.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

This course will introduce students to statistics and data management, through a Health and Safety professional's perspective. The focus of the course includes an introduction to basic units of measure, statistical analysis, and how to present and interpret data visually. Topics include: basic arithmetic and algebraic operations; units of measurement, basic statistical measures; probability, sampling distribution and confidence levels; examples of performance measures; and data display and reporting. The course includes specific and practical examples of how each topic may be applied to occupational health and safety management.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Managing health and safety requires an in-depth understanding of how to effectively coordinate safety with other business units and business priorities. Learn how OHS professionals can use their knowledge and skills to integrate health and safety throughout their organization. Gain an understanding of foundational organizational theory with a focus on practical applications of business acumen. Explore key concepts such as governance, operational and strategic planning, project management, legislative requirements, management system review, stakeholder accountabilities, and managing others.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Leadership and organizational culture greatly influence the success of health and wellness initiatives and programs. Explore relevant characteristics of workplace culture and learn strategies to assess organizational receptivity to health and wellness. Review the main leadership styles in the workplace, with a focus on how health and wellness professionals can apply to lead wellness initiatives and programs. You will also be introduced to topics such as communication and facilitation strategies, resource tools, industry benchmarking, and employee engagement.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Explore the benefits and challenges associated with the design and implementation of health and wellness initiatives and programs in the workplace. Learn evidence-based strategies to assess wellness needs, as well as to design, plan, implement, and strategically position wellness initiatives and programs. Measurement, evaluation, reporting, and sustainability are also reviewed, including benchmarking and using resources and tools to apply knowledge and skills in an integrated approach to health and wellness in the workplace.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

This course will introduce you to a training development process in which you will learn designing successful workshops, delivering presentations, and evaluating training effectiveness. This course builds upon the topics covered in the core course: Organizational Behaviour.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

The study of ergonomics will result in reductions of injury and increases in productivity by improving the "fit" between the worker and the work environment. This is achieved by matching the physiological and psychological capabilities of a person to the design of the equipment, tasks to be performed and the total workplace environment. This course will introduce the student to the need for ergonomics, methods for problem identification, solution development and effectiveness evaluation of implemented changes.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

The need to control costs arising from occupational injury or disease has taken a greater priority in today's financial reality. Human rights issues, individual rights, employer responsibilities and other contemporary issues further complicate these concerns. This course is designed to help students understand the relationship of these complex issues and develop a basic strategy for managing disability claims.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Students will learn the basics of financial practices within organizations including how to read financial statements, how to make and understand financial decisions, and how to create a budget. Additionally, an introduction to concepts of managerial finance will be examined. Students will explore financial decision-making skills and learn how to use financial information effectively.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
OHS professionals are often called upon to lead an organization's emergency management team. Examine case studies and post-event reviews to learn about the four pillars of emergency management--prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery--and explore the ways in which they interact in real-life scenarios. Understand how an emergency management program is structured as you work through the Canadian Standard for Emergency and Continuity Management.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Business Analysis helps organizations solve problems and capitalize on opportunities by assessing the potential value of solutions, facilitating their implementation, and evaluating their performance. This course explores the various ways to apply business analysis within organizations and how to strategically identify, assess and select which potential changes should be pursued. Students learn how to develop a business case that includes relevant information for executives to be able to make informed decisions.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Leading an organization towards a goal or an intended outcome requires a plan - and a plan to implement that plan. Topics may include: direction setting, goal setting; decision-making; problem-solving; moving from strategy to action; and project planning and delivery.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Project management has become a critical skill in every work place. Managers need to know the tools, techniques and have the knowledge to handle projects and deliver successful outcomes. Learn the basics to help you plan, execute, and control project management activities. This is an introductory project management course. We will explore successful projects and why projects that seemingly follow all the necessary rigor and methodology fail. In the end, students will leave with an enhanced ability to plan, execute and control their project management activities.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Workplace violence and harassment legislation does not simply involve responding to incidents; it also requires an understanding of the hazardous conditions that may lead to violence or harassment and ensuring that such hazards are properly controlled. This seminar will acquaint you with the law surrounding workplace violence and harassment (including the recent changes to the OHS Act and OHS Code) and discuss strategies to ensure that you and your organization are complying with the law.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

  • An appli­ca­tion fee of $100 is required for admis­sion into the program.
  • Tuition is paid on a course-by-course basis as you reg­is­ter for your classes.
  • Cours­es are GST-exempt.
  • Some cours­es require a text­book at an addi­tion­al cost.
  • Eli­gi­ble for the Cana­da-Alber­ta Job Grant.
Bursaries and funding opportunities
Funding source
Apply by
Canada-Alberta Job Grant 

Available for businesses in all sectors across Alberta

Two-thirds of the training costs (up to 100% if hiring an unemployed Albertan)
any time
Canada Training Benefit 

Residents of Canada, 25-65 years old, who have $10,000-150,000 in earnings for work.

income tax return
Skilled Immigrant Micro-Loan 

Whether you intend to work in the same field you trained in outside of Canada, or you wish to apply your transferable skills to a new career, this low-interest loan helps you cover the cost of education and related living expenses.

Up to $15,000 loan

Employed by the University of Alberta as Non-Academic Staff (NASA)

$750 annually
Dec / Mar / Jun / Sep
CCOHS Dick Martin Scholarship Award 

Students enrolled either full time or part time in an Occupational Health and Safety-­related course or program

$3,000 annually
Methanex Corporation Award in Occupational Health and Safety 

Students enrolled in the Occupational Health and Safety Professional Diploma program who have completed a minimum of six (6) core courses by March 31st can apply.

$750 annually
April 15
Carol Ross Scholarship 

Current students of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and/or Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

$3,000 annually
OHS Healthy Workplaces Award 

Current students and graduates of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and/or Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

$1,000 annually
Chad Bradley Scholarship for Women in OHS 

Current students (women) of the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate and/or Professional Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety


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