Continuing & Professional Education

Information Access and Protection of Privacy

Earn a Certificate

Courses for everyone 8

  • managers
  • government employees
  • auditors
  • marketers
  • lawyers

These part-time study courses are designed to enhance current practitioners’ skillsets
Program enrolment is optional – register in a course without applying for admission

Provides an introduction to the history, theories, and key concepts relevant for the appropriate administration of access and privacy legislation. Access and privacy concepts and principles are examined using federal, provincial, and municipal legislation. All course materials and readings will be made available online via eClass.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Define and explain in detail the concept of information access in a liberal democracy. Access concepts and principles are explored and discussed through the examination of the Federal Access to Information Act. Key information access issues facing access legislation administrators are also identified and discussed. Prerequisite: EXIAPP 8171

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Identify and discuss key privacy issues and best administrative practices for the successful management and compliance with privacy legislation. Prerequisite: EXIAPP 8171

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Defines and explains the concept of privacy in a liberal democracy. Privacy concepts and principles are explored and discussed through an examination of the Federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). Key privacy issues facing privacy legislation administrators are also reviewed. Prerequisite: EXIAPP 8171

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Identifies and discusses key access issues and best administrative practices for the successful management and compliance with access to information legislation. Prerequisite: EXIAPP 8171

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

Identifies and discusses key access issues and best administrative practices for the successful management and compliance with access to information legislation. Prerequisite: EXIAPP 8171

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Discuss the fundamental concept of consent for the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information. Learn about key aspects of the Canadian legislative framework for personal information data and security, both for the public (The Privacy Act) and the private sector (The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act). Get an overview of the various provincial and territorial privacy acts, to illustrate the variety of approaches adopted to address personal information data and security.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Explore crucial aspects of data protection and security as you learn about the attributes of secure data and the legislative standards for securing personal data. Assess data security in various contexts and identify some of the challenges to securing data, particularly in electronic systems with internet access. Find out how to respond to data breaches and investigate the future of data security, with a look at encryption and other technical 'solutions'.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

  • An appli­ca­tion fee of $100 is required for admis­sion into the program.
  • Tuition is paid on a course-by-course basis as you reg­is­ter for your classes.
  • Cours­es are GST-exempt.
  • Eli­gi­ble for the Cana­da-Alber­ta Job Grant.
  • All course materials are provided within the password-protected eClass at no extra charge.

Bursaries and funding opportunities
Funding source
Apply by
Canada-Alberta Job Grant 

Available for businesses in all sectors across Alberta

Two-thirds of the training costs (up to 100% if hiring an unemployed Albertan)
any time
Canada Training Benefit 

Residents of Canada, 25-65 years old, who have $10,000-150,000 in earnings for work.

income tax return
Skilled Immigrant Micro-Loan 

Whether you intend to work in the same field you trained in outside of Canada, or you wish to apply your transferable skills to a new career, this low-interest loan helps you cover the cost of education and related living expenses.

Up to $15,000 loan

Employed by the University of Alberta as Non-Academic Staff (NASA)

$750 annually
Dec / Mar / Jun / Sep
Calytera Systems Award 

Students who have completed the Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certificate program.

$500 annually
instructor nominated

I’d rec­om­mend the IAPP pro­gram both to those already in the field and those who want to start an excit­ing career and move up fast.

Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certificate student

The cours­es gave me very prac­ti­cal infor­ma­tion that can be applied to my work and increased my knowl­edge in my field of interest.

Infor­ma­tion Access and Pro­tec­tion of Pri­va­cy Certificate student

The sup­port we received dur­ing the pan­dem­ic was immeasurable.

Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certificate student

This was my first ful­ly online pro­gram, and I loved it. Nev­er thought one can learn so much using this method. Now I am hooked!

Infor­ma­tion Access and Pro­tec­tion of Pri­va­cy Certificate student

The instruc­tors are expe­ri­enced and engag­ing. They effec­tive­ly lever­aged cur­rent events and prac­ti­cal exam­ples to rein­force key concepts.

Infor­ma­tion Access and Pro­tec­tion of Pri­va­cy Certificate student

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