Continuing & Professional Education

Applied Geostatistics

Earn a Citation

Courses for everyone 5

  • geoscientists
  • petroleum engineers
  • mining engineers

These part-time study courses are designed to enhance current practitioners’ skillsets
Program enrolment is optional – register in a course without applying for admission

The Citation in Applied Geostatistics fits an important niche between the conventional one-week short course and the 2-year master’s degree program. It is ideally suited to those from industry who seek a more in depth understanding of modern geostatistical tools. Restricted to Applied Geostatistics program students.

Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
The practice of hydrogeology as generally applied in Alberta is presented. The course begins with the basics of groundwater flow, groundwater chemistry, and characterizing groundwater. The principles of groundwater contaminated site assessment, site conceptual models, and groundwater remediation will then be introduced along with regulatory considerations. Regional groundwater flow and its manifestations, aquifers and water wells in Alberta, groundwater resource evaluation, vulnerability, modelling, groundwater-surface water interaction, and implications of climate change will be explored.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Advanced agrology course with emphasis on clas­si­fi­ca­tion and map­ping of soils. Soil process­es, prin­ci­ples of the Cana­di­an Sys­tem of Soil Clas­si­fi­ca­tion, soil pro­files and diag­nos­tic fea­tures, fac­tors of soil formation and soil-form­ing process­es, soil sur­vey pro­ce­dures, and uti­liza­tion of exist­ing spa­tial infor­ma­tion to sup­port soil map­ping at a detailed scale are covered. A manda­to­ry field trip to collect data for the map­ping exer­cis­e is required; students need to be fit for duty. Pri­or knowl­edge of soil sci­ence is strongly recommended for this course.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
Through lecture, classroom and field exercises, students can expect to learn methods to identify wetlands and delineate their boundaries based on indicators of vegetation, soils, and hydrology, in addition to conducting desktop delineations through aerial photo interpretation. Other topics to be covered include wetland classification, impact and assess reports, and relative-value assessments. Prior knowledge of soils and vegetation is helpful, but not required.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.
This course prepares practitioners responsible to plan, design and implement wetland restoration and construction projects with a focus on best practices and techniques. Topics include evaluating site information, selecting construction techniques, planning hydrology, grading and planting plans, performance standards, monitoring and maintenance techniques. An overview of compensatory mitigation programs and regulatory requirements will also be covered. This course requires one-day in-field trip to visit completed wetland restoration project sites.
Not currently scheduled – new schedules announced each June and November.

  • An appli­ca­tion fee of $100 is required for admis­sion into the program.
  • Eli­gi­ble for the Cana­da-Alber­ta Job Grant.
  • The course registration fee is $8,000 (GST-exempt) and includes tuition and all required materials.

  • Payment is due at time of enrollment. We accept credit cards and Canadian bank drafts (which can be mailed along with the completed registration form).

Bursaries and funding opportunities
Funding source
Apply by
Canada-Alberta Job Grant 

Available for businesses in all sectors across Alberta

Two-thirds of the training costs (up to 100% if hiring an unemployed Albertan)
any time
Canada Training Benefit 

Residents of Canada, 25-65 years old, who have $10,000-150,000 in earnings for work.

income tax return
Skilled Immigrant Micro-Loan 

Whether you intend to work in the same field you trained in outside of Canada, or you wish to apply your transferable skills to a new career, this low-interest loan helps you cover the cost of education and related living expenses.

Up to $15,000 loan

Employed by the University of Alberta as Non-Academic Staff (NASA)

$750 annually
Dec / Mar / Jun / Sep

Such a great course! What I enjoyed the most was the mas­tery of both sub­ject con­tent, knowl­edge deliv­ery, and moti­va­tion­al leadership.

Applied Geo­sta­tis­tics student

The instruc­tion and lab super­vi­sion were top-notch.

Applied Geostatistics Citation student

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