Human Resource Management

Explores chal­lenges fac­ing local gov­ern­ments in attract­ing, devel­op­ing, and retain­ing the per­son­nel need­ed to serve cit­i­zens. The focus is pri­mar­i­ly on human resource func­tions, per­son­nel rela­tion­ships, and pro­vides prac­ti­cal insight into how to be an employ­er of choice.”

Course at a glance
  • Aimed at individuals interested in moving into higher level responsibilities in the local government field; our student body includes municipal government employees in planning, corporate services, economic development, operations, finance, and more.
  • Fully online asynchronous course, accessible through eClass, the University of Alberta’s eLearning management tool.
  • Participate in online discussions with peers from all over Canada and expand your professional network.
What you will learn

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the broad development and placement of HR in organizations and businesses and how HR creates, evaluates, analyzes, and synthesizes effective HR and employment practices, systems, decisions, and behaviours to meet organizational needs.
  • Apply decision-making strategies for creating, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing HR-related decisions through the use of HR tools, systems, and processes in a complex organizational environment.
  • Apply the principles of effective employee recruiting, selection, and retention, by creating, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing programs and approaches into effective skills for human resources forecasting and planning.
  • Apply the principles of effective compensation and benefit system design and understand how they impact employee motivation, productivity, business viability, and fairness.
  • Apply the principles of effective training and development system design and understand how to apply them to individual, team, and organizational purposes.
  • Understand and apply the principles of building effective labor relations in union and non-union environments.
This course has no prerequisites

Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.

Take note:

  • A textbook is required for this course.
  • Additional learning materials are provided through eClass.
Currently counts towards:

Applicants intending to enrol in a program are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to lock in their course requirements since they are prone to change.

*If you are already enroled in this program, please refer to your specific program requirements as outlined at the time of your admission: Bear Tracks > Academic Advisement.

When will
this course be offered?

New course schedules are released each June and November.

Course not yet scheduled

This course is not currently scheduled, but may be offered in an upcoming term.

New course schedules are announced each June and November.

Sign up for updates

Interested in future offerings of this course? We can let you know when this course becomes available.