
Welcome To Extension

The Faculty of Extension is the University of Alberta’s home for continuing and professional education, English language learning, and direct-to-career certificate programs. Take a look at the programs we are featuring below. Some of them are geared toward students like you, just out of high school. But we also have programs for mid-career adults, which you may want to suggest to your parents—and make them work as hard as you do on keeping themselves up-to-date!

Did you know?

Most Extension courses and programs are open to learners from all backgrounds. There are often no minimum GPA requirements for admission to our post-secondary programs.

Courses run year-round, with classes offered several times in different terms. You can even begin to take individual courses before formally applying into a program.

Course registration is easy and can be completed online. Start exploring courses and programs today!

Program applications are also accepted year-round. You can apply and be admitted to your program at any time.

Extension also offers English as an Additional Language (EAL) courses to help students prepare for post-secondary.

For High School Students

Extension offers University-level education for high school graduates looking for a degree alternative. Check out these featured programs:

Social Media Certificate
The Social Media Certificate provides an in-depth understanding of how to use various social media platforms for communication and marketing. Explore tools used to...
Residential Interiors Certificate
This unique program, the first in Western Canada, offers you a university-level certificate in the art of interior decorating.
Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certificate
This award-win­ning, online pro­gram focus­es on the the­o­ries, con­cepts, prin­ci­ples, issues, and best prac­tices involved in the appro­pri­ate admin­is­tra­tion of access and pri­va­cy leg­is­la­tion...
Occupational Health & Safety Diploma
As an industry changes and grows, so too does the benchmark for knowledge and skills expected by leading industry professionals. Developed to meet the...
English Language Academic Foundations for Undergraduate Admission Preparation
Designed for students who wish to enter English for Academic Purposes program.

Extension also offers short courses for skill development. Take a look at these featured courses:

For Parents and Professionals

Extension is Edmonton’s home for continuing and professional education, offering courses and programs for those looking to enhance their careers or embark on a new one. Here are some of our new and most popular programs:

Renewable Energy Essentials 3 – course series
Enhance your resume and marketability in the clean technology job market with this program, as you learn about renewable energy, smart cities, and the...
Global Leadership Advanced Citation
Every day the world becomes more connected through technology, trade, humanitarian work, and shared environmental resources. Strong leadership is an increasingly needed asset, the...
Occupational Health & Safety Diploma
As an industry changes and grows, so too does the benchmark for knowledge and skills expected by leading industry professionals. Developed to meet the...
Management Development Certificate
Management at all levels has a dramatic impact on the performance of an organization, influencing areas from productivity and growth to profitability and employee...
Business Analysis Certificate
Change has always been a constant—but never as fast as now. Technologies grow old at light speed, the advance of globalization erases traditional borders...
Construction Management & Administration Certificate
The construction industry is one of the largest economic driving forces in Alberta and Canada. The University of Alberta’s Construction Management & Administration Certificate...

Extension also offers resume-enhancing short courses for professional skill development. Take a look at these featured courses: