This course intro­duces stu­dents to the fun­da­men­tals of CSS (Cas­cad­ing Style Sheets), used to add style and lay­out to web pages. In this course, stu­dents will be intro­duced to the CSS lan­guage, and how it can be lever­aged to style a respon­sive web page and for­mat con­tent into a desir­able lay­out. Top­ics cov­ered in this course include selec­tors, pseu­do-selec­tors, the box mod­el, flexbox, grid lay­out, media queries and others.
Take note:

This course combines 4 hours of live online sessions with 16 hours of modules/activities to be completed by the student, for a total of 20 hours.

Currently counts towards:

Applicants intending to enrol in a program are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to lock in their course requirements since they are prone to change.

*If you are already enroled in this program, please refer to your specific program requirements as outlined at the time of your admission: Bear Tracks > Academic Advisement.

When will
this course be offered?

New course schedules are released each June and November.

Scheduled for Fall/Winter:

Info & Register