Business Practice

Devel­op the nec­es­sary tools to mar­ket inte­ri­or dec­o­rat­ing ser­vices and/​or prod­ucts effec­tive­ly with­in the res­i­den­tial dec­o­rat­ing indus­try using good busi­ness and project man­age­ment prac­tices. Learn the process of start­ing and grow­ing a res­i­den­tial inte­ri­or dec­o­rat­ing busi­ness includ­ing mar­ket­ing skills for estab­lish­ing a clien­tele base, find­ing tools and design sources, sell­ing prod­ucts and ser­vices, avoid­ing legal prob­lems, estab­lish­ing fees for ser­vices and oth­er basic busi­ness prac­tices rel­e­vant to the field of res­i­den­tial inte­ri­ors. Prac­ti­cal aspects of employ­ment in the indus­try will also be cov­ered. Pre­req­ui­sites: EXRI 4679 and EXRI 4680
Currently counts towards:

Applicants intending to enrol in a program are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to lock in their course requirements since they are prone to change.

*If you are already enroled in this program, please refer to your specific program requirements as outlined at the time of your admission: Bear Tracks > Academic Advisement.

When will
this course be offered?

New course schedules are released each June and November.

Scheduled for Fall/Winter:

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