Analytics Models for Business Decisions

Explore the use of ana­lyt­i­cal meth­ods in man­age­ment prob­lem-solv­ing, high­light­ing orga­ni­za­tion­al and con­tex­tu­al issues. Con­struct an ana­lyt­i­cal mod­el of a prob­lem that can be manip­u­lat­ed or solved to iden­ti­fy a deci­sion that yields the best out­come, accord­ing to one or more care­ful­ly defined cri­te­ria. The chal­lenges of com­mu­ni­cat­ing and imple­ment­ing results in an orga­ni­za­tion­al con­text may also be explored through mini-cas­es and illustrations.

Course at a glance
  • Aimed at mid-level management who are developing and implementing new business analytics within their organization.
  • In-class, face-to-face delivery.
  • Lecture and discussion-based course with class exercises and discussions of assigned readings.
  • Participants will be able to offer reflections of their personal experiences involving different management scenarios.
What you will learn

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the process and steps of business problem framing and distinguish characteristics of analytic targets.
  • Identify steps for creating a simple analytical model.
  • Describe considerations for communicating analytics results and cultivating buy-in.
  • Identify where and why analytics models are applied and recognize the application of analytics in various parts of the Value Chain.
  • Describe the roadmap of analytical target development and ways to prioritize analytical target opportunities.
  • Describe steps for constructing analytics models.
  • Discuss the role of the Analytics Explorer.
  • Describe steps for creating an analytics presentation.
  • Recognize a four-step framework for selling analytics.
This course has no prerequisites

Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.

Take note:

All reading materials will be available through eClass, the University of Alberta’s eLearning management tool.

When will
this course be offered?

New course schedules are released each June and November.

Course not yet scheduled

This course is not currently scheduled, but may be offered in an upcoming term.

New course schedules are announced each June and November.

Sign up for updates

Interested in future offerings of this course? We can let you know when this course becomes available.