Persuasive Presentations
Designed for English language learners, this course is for those who want to develop public speaking skills. In these interactive classes, you will acquire tools and strategies for planning and delivering effective, persuasive presentations. The course is focused on concepts of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and will address features of various digital platforms, taking into account audience, presentation purpose, structure, and features of public speaking. You will have opportunities to practice your new skills and to deliver a minipresentation for instructor and peer feedback.
This course has no prerequisites
Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.
Currently counts towards:
└20-hour elective course
Applicants intending to enrol in a program are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to lock in their course requirements since they are prone to change.
*If you are already enroled in this program, please refer to your specific program requirements as outlined at the time of your admission: Bear Tracks > Academic Advisement.
When will this course be offered?
New course schedules are released each June and November.
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