Applied Soil Chemistry

This course will intro­duce stu­dents to the soil prin­ci­pal reac­tive chem­i­cal con­stituents and their process­es. Top­ics will include an intro­duc­tion to the soil sol­id and liq­uid com­po­nents (chem­i­cal com­po­si­tion, min­er­al­o­gy, organ­ic mat­ter and soil solu­tion); and descrip­tion of impor­tant soil chem­i­cal process­es and their rel­e­vance to envi­ron­men­tal and agri­cul­tur­al appli­ca­tions (min­er­al sta­bil­i­ty and weath­er­ing, oxi­da­tion-reduc­tion, sur­face adsorp­tion and exchange, col­loidal behav­iour and soil acid­i­ty and salinity).
This course has no prerequisites

Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.

When will
this course be offered?

New course schedules are released each June and November.

Scheduled for Fall/Winter:

Info & Register