Privacy Protection for Health Care
What you will learn
After completing this course, students should be able to:
- Explain what privacy means in the context of health care and recognize common concepts in Canadian privacy laws, such as:
Balancing appropriate use of health information with individual privacy
Understanding roles: custodians, trustees, affiliates, employees, information managers, service providers, etc.
Custody and control of information
Common requirements: privacy officer, policies, safeguards, notification, consent, incident reporting
Reasonableness: taking reasonable steps to protect privacy
- Plan and propose a privacy program that includes the following elements:
Privacy officer with defined roles
Policies and procedures
Administrative, physical and technical controls to protect privacy
Practical information security
Assessing and mitigating risk and privacy impact assessments
Review and compliance
- Prepare to respond to privacy incidents by:
Recognizing common privacy threats, such as: misuse of health information by insiders; phishing, malware and ransomware; unsecure disposal of information
Developing and testing a privacy incident response plan
Identifying and recommending notification requirements
Researching reported privacy and security incidents to improve processes
This course has no prerequisites
Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.
When will this course be offered?
New course schedules are released each June and November.
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