Global Logistics and Distribution
Global logistics connects critical components of the supply chain from a product¿s point of origin to its point of consumption. Physical distribution is inextricably tied with international trade, multinational manufacturing, and sourcing of raw materials, components, and supplies. Topics in this course will help participants understand the channels of global logistics, challenges in managing physical distribution, INCOTERMS, free trade zones, tariffs, security, hedging, sourcing strategies, risk, and resilience in international trade.
Course at a glance
- This series will support professionals transitioning into logistics and distribution management and provide training in the newest technologies in the field.
What you will learn
- Understand and embrace the technology that is driving the logistics industry.
- Develop the competencies associated with the changing logistics industry requirements.
- Develop the knowledge and skills to meet new industry complexities.
This course has no prerequisites
Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.
Currently counts towards:
└ core course
- Students who complete this micro-credential will receive elective credit in the Management Development Certificate Program.
When will this course be offered?
New course schedules are released each June and November.
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