Writing and Grammar Skills - Advanced

This course builds on gram­mar and writ­ing skills by focus­ing on clar­i­ty, cor­rect­ness, and the devel­op­ment of a com­pelling writ­ing voice. Cor­rect­ing for style, con­tent, and for­mat are inte­grat­ed into for­mal stud­ies in gram­mar. By focus­ing on these essen­tial ele­ments of writ­ing, this course aims to pre­pare (or refresh) writ­ers for the process from first draft to final prod­uct. In-class exer­cis­es will be used to take com­plex, sophis­ti­cat­ed sen­tences and para­graphs and look at the under­pin­ning log­ic of what the writer is try­ing to say.
This course has no prerequisites

Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.

When will
this course be offered?

New course schedules are released each June and November.

Course not yet scheduled

This course is not currently scheduled, but may be offered in an upcoming term.

New course schedules are announced each June and November.

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Interested in future offerings of this course? We can let you know when this course becomes available.