Applied Vegetative Reclamation

Reveg­e­ta­tion stan­dards, prac­tices, and com­mon­ly used meth­ods to re-estab­lish native plant com­mu­ni­ties as part of the recla­ma­tion process for dis­turbed sites on pub­lic lands of Alber­ta will be cov­ered. Top­ics will also include plan­ning, species selec­tion and sourc­ing native plant mate­r­i­al, site prepa­ra­tion and estab­lish­ment meth­ods, main­te­nance, mon­i­tor­ing, and cri­te­ria for suc­cess. Plant iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of native plants, weeds, and inva­sive species will also be introduced.
This course has no prerequisites

Students from all educational backgrounds welcome. You can register for this course without applying and enrolling in a program.

When will
this course be offered?

New course schedules are released each June and November.

Course not yet scheduled

This course is not currently scheduled, but may be offered in an upcoming term.

New course schedules are announced each June and November.

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